Here are some common mistakes when designing a small bathroom!
1. Unites wet and dry areas
Judging from the function, the area in the bathroom can be divided into wet areas and dry areas. Wet areas are a place for bathing, while dry areas are used for sanitation activities, such as urination and tooth brushing.
Small bathrooms that do not separate wet and dry areas can elevate the risk of accidents, such as falling and slip. Because when wet and dry areas are put together, the condition of the whole bathroom becomes damp and slippery.
Conditions like this can also invite bacterial disease and accelerate damage to walls, floors, and other devices.
2. Divide the area with closed insulation
For small bathrooms to be safe when used, the division of wet areas and dry areas is necessary. However, the two areas are not necessarily separated by a wall or partition covering the entire wall. This kind of insulation can actually give a closed impression that makes the small bathroom more noticeable.
Use a room partition with a transparent look like glass to make the small bathroom look more spacious. To avoid slippery, select the glass partition of a tempered glass type that has a rough texture on its surface.
3. Placing the toilet face-to-door
The toilet placed right in front of the small bathroom door is not only less unsightly, but also disrupts the privacy needs. Who knows the user forgot to lock the door, right.
Alternatively, place the sink on the front door of the small bathroom. While the toilet can be placed next to the door if the dry area is in the front of the bathroom is small.
4. Store the items at the top of the wall
Small bathrooms also need to provide space for storage needs. However, installing a cabinet or shelf on the wall instead makes the small shower look narrower.
Take advantage of the lower sink as storage area. Cabinet without feet can be the furniture of choice to overcome the problem of storage in small bathrooms.
5. Attaching the lights over the mirror
This one mistake is common when designing small bathrooms. When doing facial or shaving treatment in the sink you do need more illumination.
The task light mounted above the mirror can result in disturbing shadows. To get optimal illumination, install the task light on both sides of the mirror. First the lamp mounting point is aligned with the eyes.
6. Using wood, wallpaper, or natural stone as a coating
The cost of small bathroom treatment can increase if you choose the wrong coating material. Wall coatings like wallpapers are more easily broken and weathered if used to protect bathroom walls, especially in wet areas. The moisture and hot steam conditions of the water warmer make the wallpaper susceptible to peeling.
Natural materials, such as wood and natural stone, are also susceptible to erosion when used as floor coatings or bathroom walls.
Ideally for small bathrooms, use waterproof coating materials, such as bathroom ceramics or mosaics. Nowadays, there are also innovative materials such as construction of the wall that is cost-effective and practical.
7. Uses electronic immersion
Damp and wet conditions are harmful for the use of electrical devices in small bathrooms. Even so, the need for lighting is still inevitable, it is recommended to use a lamp protected with waterproof glass or dew. If you want to use an electronic device, the stop contact surface should be closed with an anti-water coating.
8. Meet the bathroom with decoration
Modern lifestyle needs make the bathroom have other functions. The bathroom is now used as a relaxation place where the owner will spend a longer time there. Then it is very natural if you want to decorate your small bathroom with various brac so that it looks more beautiful eye-catching.
But, excessive decorations can also reduce comfort. Ornamental plant pots placed in the corner of the room can add to the relaxed atmosphere in the small bathroom. 9. Forgetting an outdoor air source small bathroom one element that is often overlooked in designing a small bathroom is the openings. Although openings can be petrified to launch air circulation in a small bathroom. One of the models of openings that can be used in small bathrooms is ventilation and glass windows above the ceiling (skylight). Openings can also be a means to enjoy the outside view of the area while relaxing in the small bathroom. Try to look into your little bathroom, do you do some of these design mistakes? Let's get it right! For those of you who are new to design a small bathroom, do not make this mistake, yes!
Buy The Best Water Purifier
Circulating air in the house is not necessarily free from pollution. Especially if living in urban areas that are of high air pollution. Dirty air from the outside of the house can easily enter the clean air in the house. This problem can be solved by choosing the best water purifier to filter the dirty air resulting in clean air flow.
However, not all air purifier is included in the best water purifier. Some actually have a function that is more or less the same as the air conditioner or exhaust fan, but the third use is clearly different. Don't want to buy wrong? Let's know the best water purifier criteria below!
Unlike the AC and exhaust fan, the best air purifier works with filters
Many who expect air conditioner (AC) and exhaust fan have the same function as the air purifier. AC does function in adding cold air into the room, but it does not produce oxygen. Meanwhile, exhaust fan is a home ventilation system that emits the smell, smoke, and hot air from the inside to the outdoors. Both devices also have the option of using Freon.
Meanwhile, air purifier sucks dirty air indoors, and filters it through its filter component, resulting in clean air indoors. But ideally, in order to create a comfortable dwelling and healthy house, the room should be equipped with air conditioner, exhaust fan, and air purifier directly.
Not just produce clean air, air from the best water purifier also healthy
The dust stuck on the couch, pet feathers, and the smell of the grime is a source of pollution that could harm family members who have asthma or allergic diseases. Make the house condition unhealthy.
The best water purifier not only releases dirty air particles in the process of the disconnection. The best air purifier is able to produce a healthy clean air that is safe to breathe by the occupants of the house. The use of air purifier proved effective to relieve allergies and asthma.
Best Air Purifier using HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) as its filter
Make sure you buy air purifier with HEPA filter. Through electrostatic and ionization filtration technology, HEPA filtration systems are more effective at capturing pollutants to harm the body's health, as well as finer particles that cannot be filtered by standard air purifier filter systems. To maximize the excellence of HEPA filters, the best water purifier should use water to activate the filter system.
The best air purifier has a high value of Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)
CADR is the ability of water purifier to produce and distribute clean air throughout the room. The higher the value then the more clean air is produced, and the faster the intensity of the illumination. For the best water purifier, the CADR value should range from 17-20, according to the international test standard of the Minimum Efficient Reporting Value (MERV).
Even if the CADR is high-value, many of the best water purifier produce hazardous ozone substances. This ozone can be a loose pollutant that reduce the quality of clean air that is produced by air purifier.
Best Air purifier equipped with humidifying feature
The Humidifying feature provides additional functions in the air purifier, which is to maintain the ideal humidity indoors (50-60%) Automatically. The ideal indoor humidity level can repel bacteria and fungi and stop health disorders, such as eyes, nose, and dry throat. Simply put, the best water purifier should also be enabled as a water humidifier.
The best Air purifier is more practical to use
It will be perfect if the best water purifier you choose comes with a variety of additional features. Some of them are, wireless features that can make you control the use of the best water purifier from afar through the gadget and features mosquito repellent that is suitable to keep your child sleep well at night.
But the more sophisticated the features are installed on the air purifier, the higher also the pay you need to remove to obtain the best water purifier.
The best air purifier is able to cover each side of the room the scope of best water Purifier the larger the room then it takes air purifier with a higher CADR capacity. For a room measuring 30 m2 required air purifier with a CADR capacity of 200. However, as with any CADR capacity, the best water purifier cannot function optimally if no maintenance is performed on the filter. Filters, tanks, and other components need to be cleaned at least once a month and filter changes need to be made within 6 months. By using the best water purifier, air quality room can be well maintained. The air indoors is free from pollutants and is assured of clean and healthy.