Tips and tricks to repel cats smoothly
Cats do look adorable for some. However, for some others, the presence of cats nearby can cause fear of its own. The presence of cats is considered disturbing because of its disturbing behaviour when you are doing an activity, especially when eating. There are also those who do not like cats because it does have allergies to this type of pet.
Various ways of casting cats are also done by a group of people who do not like cats. Unfortunately, some ways of casting cats are unethical because they use rough ways. Not infrequently people do how to repel the cat by kicking or throwing it using rocks to make the cat go away.
In fact, to make cats go up close we don't need to be in a rough way because there are a few ways of casting a cat subtly and gently. Thus, the cat will not suffer pain. Well, here is Kania will share some ways of casting the cat gently that you can do. Let's just look below!
How to drive cats using pepper
The way to repel the first cat you can do is to make use of the animal's advantages, which is through its own. The smell of the cat is very sharp because it is not very fond of the pungent odor. Therefore, pepper can be one way to repel a potent cat.
To get rid of this cat, you just have to sprinkle pepper around your area. If you don't want a cat in the house, you can sprinkle the pepper around the fence of the house. If you are afraid the cat is on your legs while eating in the street, you can prepare a pepper in your bag and sow it around the table where you sit. Although it looks trivial, but how to repel this one cat is very powerful, you know!
How to repel cats by spraying water
How to repel cats using water is a very potent trick because water is one source of fear of every cat. Unfortunately, sometimes how to repel cats by using water looks rough because most people flush water with large quantities using buckets or styles.
However, it is quiet because you can still do the way to repel this cat more gently. Try to replace the bucket or style that becomes a container of water by using a spray bottle that is usually used as a plant sprinkler. After that, spray the water on the cat you want to usr. How to drive this cat is very simple, right?
How to repel cats with camouflage bottles
Want to drive a stray cat who likes to get into the house? You can do how to get rid of cats through deception using a row of clear bottles placed in front of the fence. How to repel this cat will make a cat think the clear bottle is water so he is lazy to skip it. Making use of clear bottles to camouflage the front of your fence can be a way to repel the cat.
Clean up the accumulated trash
One of the reasons cats are very fond of coming to your house because there must be something potential to be a food ingredient. These ingredients usually come from a pile of garbage that is around your house trash.
Therefore, if you look around your house there is a pile of garbage, try to clean it immediately. Through how to repel this cat, the cats are guaranteed to be less likely to approach your home because they are not interested if there is no source of groceries.
How to drive a cat by conquishing it using the sweep Lidi
How to repel the next cat you can do by frightens it using a sweep lidi. Just relax, broom is not intended to hit the cat, but rather used to scare ikan buntal by beating the broom in the direction of wall, table, or chair.
How to repel this cat is also quite potent because the sound of the broom blow on the goods will make the cat frightened. As such, the cat will try to get away from you in order not to be hit by the broom.
Distract the cat by throwing items
The attention of cats is actually very easy to redirect. Therefore, you can use this opportunity as a way to repel cats. To do how to drive this cat is very easy.
Try to roll the paper to resemble the balls, then stitch or paste the blob of the balls using a rope or glue. If you have a cat in your house, throw a series of balls in the direction of a distant home. As such, the attention of the cat will be taken to pursue the balls you throw.
How, now you already know ' if there is a way to drive a nonviolent cat? From how to repel the cat, you just choose which one you think is best suited. Congratulations on how to drive the cat gently from Kania!