Sabtu, 12 Desember 2020

Minimalist Garage Door Models That You Can Emulate at Home

Minimalist Garage Door Design Inspiration from Various Concepts

The garage is an inseparable room of a house, especially for residents who own a car or motorcycle. Because it performs a fairly important role, namely to protect the occupant's personal vehicle from weather changes or bad guy intentions, the garage space must be equipped with a garage door to maximize its safety.

Not only to maintain security, garage doors can also be a supporting element that beautify the front or exterior of the house. Therefore, you should not be careless in choosing the model of the garage door. Choose a garage door whose model fits the overall design of the house. Well, for those of you who are still confused, here Kania will share some inspiration for minimalist garage door models from various concepts that you can emulate at home. Curious as to what? Let's check it out below!

1. Classic Garage Door Model

The first garage door model comes with a classic concept whose entire door leaves are wrapped in white. Although classic in style, this garage jenis ikan ramirezi door retains its minimalist model through thin bars at the very top as well as handles and door surfaces that are not too much ornamentation. The combination of the two makes the garage door more unique.

This garage door carries a model of a two-door opening that is pushed in. Its bright white color combined with the color of ash and brown natural stone makes this garage door look so prominent that you can make it as a focal point on the exterior of the house.

2. Modern Garage Door Model

In keeping with the minimalist concept, this garage door is designed as simple as possible with a little modern touch. Almost the entire surface of the leaves of this garage door uses wood material, only on the right side uses glass as a minimalist window.

The modern element in this garage door can be found from the sliding door opening model that uses the help of technology. So, you just have to press the button on the left side of the door and at the same time the garage door will start to open. Really cool, yes this garage door model?

3. Traditional Style Garage Door Model

You carry a traditional design on your house? Then just use this garage door model. The size of this garage door is quite large and looks very sturdy. Meanwhile, the top shape of the garage door is deliberately made curved to accentuate its traditional impression.

The material used on this garage door is wood with a dark color and clear glass. Not to forget, the natural stone wall material next to the garage door makes it look very stunning. So that you can get more maximum, you can also add lantern-shaped wall lamps that are traditional style.

4. Garage Door with Ice Glass

Next, there is a garage door with a sliding opening model that uses ice glass or opaque glass. Thus, vehicles parked inside the garage will not be visible. This garage door model can be the best solution for those of you who want to stay luxurious without exposing the inside of the garage.

5. Garage Door with Painting

Do you like to paint or uphold works of art? This can be represented through the garage door, you know! Try painting your garage door with the concept of the picture you want. For example, a garage door with a picture of a street view surrounded by trees.

Well, to make the impression of the picture or painting more real, just add objects related to the picture in front of the garage door that can also be a decoration. To get a unique garage door model, you just need creativity.

6. Farmhouse Garage Door Model

The atmosphere of rural houses in urban areas, why not? You can bring a rustic feel to your home by using the farmhouse garage door model, such as the inspiration above. The light brown color that envelops the garage door is the natural color of the piece of wood.

The slash pattern on the leaves of the garage door manages to create a natural impression like in real countryside. Although it has a farmhouse concept, the unique garage door also looks minimalist because it does not use door handles and other ornaments.

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