Kamis, 28 November 2019

How To Repel Mosquitoes and Christmas Displays

Not to be asked, you must have been stout of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying insects. It sounds noisy and the sting that makes the body itch very disturbing us. Not limited to, mosquito shock can cause dengue fever, malaria, and other diseases.

There are now many ways to repel mosquitoes, ranging from traditional ways, using various chemicals, to using electronic goods. Surely also, we have done some way to repel the mosquito version itself. Well, to add to the reference, Kania will share six ways of casting out the other most potent and surefire mosquitoes. Let's see below.

1. Cover the air gaps in the doors and windows
How to repel mosquitoes 1: door slit Cover

The small size of mosquitoes allows him to enter the room through the cracks of the air, including through the doors and windows of the house. Well, sometimes we're not aware of this. Therefore, it's good to try to repel mosquitoes by closing the cracks with additional boards or gauze.

How to repel these mosquitoes will be guaranteed to reduce the intensity of mosquitoes into your space. Oh Yes, you are also strongly advised not to open the doors and the windows of the house too long. Close immediately after opening it. By getting rid of this mosquito, you will not be bothered again.

2. Do not accumulate dirty clothes for too long
How to repel mosquitoes 2: Don't let the dirty clothes

Have you ever seen a lot of mosquitoes in the pile or hangers of dirty clothes? It is said, mosquitoes like it once with the smell of human body. Therefore, it is not surprising also if mosquitoes like to be in there.

Well, how to repel the second mosquito is do not let the dirty clothes accumulate too long. Immediately wash clothes after use. If you're going to use the outfit again, don't let it hang or accumulate too long.

3. Use mosquito repellent electronic device

Well, how to repel mosquitoes that are already very familiar surely. You can use mosquito repellent electronic device. The first option falls on electric racket. How to repel mosquitoes using this tool is that you simply turn it on and release the racket toward mosquitoes.

How to repel mosquitoes 3: Use mosquito repellent electronic appliance

Second is the electric lamp. Unlike the racket, how to repel mosquitoes using electric lamps is that you just plug into a power outlet and the light will turn on. If there are mosquitoes flying around the lights, the electric shock will turn them off.

4. Clean the furniture that accommodates the water once a week

Water that is flooded is a very suitable medium for mosquitoes to breed. If it continues to be left, mosquitoes at home will be more and more. Therefore, cleanse your house of furniture that contains water once a week, such as a bathtub and a flower vase. The way to repel these mosquitoes will prevent mosquito larva from breeding. The house is free from mosquitoes and you will avoid illness.

5. Use Mosquito Repellent

The way to repel mosquitoes is also most common. You can find mosquito repellent chemical medicines easily in the nearest store. There are some forms of mosquito repellent, electric, fuel, and spray. An electric mosquito repellent must be plugged into a power outlet. But before that, you have to put the chemical medication into the electric place, then plug it into a power outlet.

A green spiral-shaped mosquito repellent. How to repel mosquitoes using this drug is you simply burn the tip of the circle with a small flame. Mosquito repellent will produce a potent smoke repel mosquitoes from the surrounding area.

How to repel mosquitoes

Lastly, how to repel mosquitoes using mosquito spray medication is done by spray it all over the corner of the room. After that, cover the room a while. Mosquitoes in the room will also go off even dead

6. Use traditional materials

The way to repel the last mosquito is using traditional materials. The natural ingredients that are believed to repel mosquitoes are lavender, lemongrass, garlic, geranium, and orange peel. Lemongrass that has been cut into pieces and orange peel can be placed in the corners of the room is potentially a lot of mosquitoes. Garlic can eat as a shield to protect your body from the sting of a naughty mosquito. How to repel mosquitoes

6: Use ingredients

Lavender and geranium can be planted in front of the house as well as ornamental plants. The smell of fragrance produced can both make mosquitoes dizziness and leave your house. You're free from mosquitoes and you don't have to worry anymore. That's six ways to repel the most frequently used mosquitoes. How to repel these mosquitoes is guaranteed to keep the mosquitoes away that have been wandering in your home. Of course, you should also diligently do how to repel these mosquitoes so that the result is more maximal. Congratulations on trying six ways to repel mosquitoes!

Christmas Displays

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, shortly in December comes. It means that many malls, supermarkets, streets, and more will be decorated with a Christmas atmosphere. With this Christmas decoration, you can feel the joy and warmth of Christmas anywhere and anytime.

Kania sure you'll also want to decorate your house or apartment with all-Christmas decorations. There are a variety of Christmas decorations you can wear, such as Christmas trees, Tumblr lights, and more. Well so do not get bored with that decoration-it aja, Kania want to share the inspiration of the wall display Christmas decorations that you can try. Let's get a peek below.

Font Shape LED Light

To make the wall not empty, try to stick to this wall display. Stitch the letters into words that have a happy meaning, for example the word joy or happy. Next, select the yellow LED light color. The color of this lamp is able to give warmth in your dwelling.

You can paste it in your living room, family, or bedroom wall. This wall display can also be placed on the fireplace. There is no harm if you try combine with wreaths or typical Christmas green leaves around him.

Deer Wall Display

This wall display is Super Gemes, Deh. It forms a deer head with its horns extending left and right. The horns are tucked into colorful lights that add to the Christmas joy. Uniquely, you can get the photos under the horns of the deer. This wall display can also be a Hall of fame your photos with your loved ones.

Letter and Star Wall display

Not only the decoration of Santa Claus, you can feel the presence by using this letter wall display. The set of words "Hohoho" will remind you of the laughing style of this white beard man. To do so, you can add star ornaments and snowflakes around this wall display. Beneath it, you can put candles and other decorations to illuminate the wall display to make it look clearer when dark.

Leafy book Shelves fir tree
Usually, fir trees are placed on the floor and are decorated in such a way. However, you can try to put fir tree foliage on your wall shelf and produce an wall display.

Choose a fir tree with many leaves, both imitation and original. Attach the twig tree on the edge of the wall shelf.

Once pasted, install small decorations to jazz up this wall display. Don't forget too, slip the Tumblr lights to give a warm and luxurious impression.

You can also put a medium-sized decoration on a wall display shelf. Obviously, Christmas decorations should still relate to the Christmas atmosphere. This way, you can enjoy a book with a peaceful Christmas atmosphere.

Wreath and letter Hanger

Decoration wreath or Christmas wreaths is a must-have decoration in every home. So that the wreath is not alone, you can add a wall display of the letter hanger underneath. As in the picture, the letters that make up the word "Noel" are made using brown paper and are wrapped in letters per letter. Add a ribbon on the left and right ends of the rope so that the rope doesn't hang for that.

Christmas Tree on the wall
 Tree Wall Display

In order for your day to differ from previous years, there is no harm when you attach a Christmas tree as a wall display. Simply form a large wood with a triangular shape equal to the foot and attach the nail along the outer side of the triangle. This nail is useful for hooking threads from left to right so that it forms a zig zag pattern. After that, stick the tree on the wall.

Slip some Christmas cards on the sidelines of the yarn. You can also stick to big-sized Christmas socks around this wall display. For the final touch, put a gift box underneath so that this wall display really looks like a Christmas tree.

You can start installing this Christmas wall display decoration. Some of these wall displays can be made by yourself so you can have a quality time with the family. In addition to the above wall displays, you can also install other Christmas decorations and you can buy them

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